Motorola Moto 360 Sport - 45mm
모토로라 스마트워치인 모토360 스포츠 3가지 색상이 아마존 직구 딜로 올라왔습니다.
모토360 스포츠 2세대 제품으로 면세가 가능합니다. ( 흰색과 빨간색은 200달러 이내로 들어옵니다. )
한국으로 직배송 역시 가능하며, 배송비는 약 7불 정도입니다.
아마존은 직배가 가능해 편리합니다.
줄은 바꿀수 없는 일체형 실리콘 밴드인점은 꼭 참고 하셔야 할듯 합니다.
- All healthy relationships need space. Including the one with your phone. That's why there's the new Moto 360. It streamlines your mobile life by delivering the information that matters to you, giving you more time to do the things you love. With designs made specifically for men or women, it's easy to find the color, size, and style that fits you best. Because you deserve choice when it comes to what you wear on your wrist.
- Updates, not interruptions: Stay connected and up to date by getting messages, news, weather, and more without constantly having to check your phone.
- Men's and women's collections: Choose from modern designs made specifically for men or women, each one precision-crafted and built to last.
- Classic round design: With edge-to-edge glass and an exceptionally thin bezel, you see more all the way around.
- Quick-release bands for Moto 360 (2nd Gen) are designed to be swapped in seconds
- Moto Body fitness tracker: Keep fit by tracking your steps, calories, and heart rate right from your wrist.
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