한적하지만 멋진 곳에 위치한 해외 호텔 10선
by TripAdvisor
카스르 알 사랍 데저트 리조트 바이 아난타라
하밈, 아랍 에미레이트
"모래 언덕, 사막, 색상 등 리조트 배경이 매우 놀랍습니다."
“Perfect place to stay !!!”
사막한가운데 지어진 리조트...객실 음식 모든것이 완벽합니다...
객실설비는 휴가를 보내기에 충분히 편안했으며 스텝들의 응대도 만족할만했습니다.
벨캄포 로지
푼타고르다, 벨리즈
"비교적 멀리 떨어진 외딴 정글에 매우 멋지게 만들었습니다."
“Beautiful property with great amenities & boutique ambience”
Stay here for 2 days over the Christmas beak in 2015 in a Jungle Suite. And while i wasn't thrilled with the exact room assignment, this was a fantastic property & best hotel on our trip
- high end hotel with a boutique feel ... only 16 rooms
- food was fantastic
- located at the top of a hill/mountain, which affords great views throughout the property
- room was spacious & very comfortable ... outdoor space is well designed b/c it is screened-in & features a hammock
- at the bottom of the hill, a beautiful river runs in front of the property
- service was wonderful
- no real complaints, although we had the least favorable room b/c we booked last minute (e.g. right next to the main building / dining area)
버클리 리버
쿠누누라, 호주
"멀리 떨어진 낙원입니다. 숙박시설은 완벽하고 음식도 훌륭합니다."
더 안다만, 럭셔리 콜렉션 리조트
랑카위, 말레이시아
"우거진 열대 우림 속의 호텔이 매우 멋집니다."
센타라 그랜드 비치 리조트 & 빌라
크라비 시, 태국
"...전용 해변과 아름다운 풀장, 좋은 식당과 바가 있는 안락한 호텔입니다."
티 카예 리조트 & 스파
안세 코숀, 세인트 루시아
"아름다운 해변, 조용한 풀장, 푸른 주변 환경이 좋았습니다."
리틀 팜 아일랜드 리조트 앤드 스파
리틀토르치키, 미국
"친구들 모두…카리브 해 느낌의 섬이 미국이 있다는 사실에 놀랐습니다…
차에 휘발유만 가득하다면 탬파베이에서 갈 수 있는 거리더군요!"
티케하우 펄 비치 리조트
프랑스령 폴리네시아, 남태평양
"외진 곳에 있고 사회로부터 격리되어 있지만 그것이 바로 매력입니다."
“Très bon séjour avec quelques (petits) bémols”
En premier, nous avons acheté cet hôtel lors d'un salon du tourisme donc au prix que j'ai payé, cet hôtel vaut 19/20.
Mes commentaires sont valables pour les internationaux qui ne bénéficient pas des mêmes tarifs...
Nous y avons passé 4 nuits dont 2 dans la villa familiale avec piscine et 2 en suite pilotis premium (bout de ponton). La 1ère est top au niveau des aménagements mais étonnamment mal conçue pour une famille: une seule salle de bains, un seul Wc et un mur entourant la piscine qui empêche de voir le lagon ! La suite est... exceptionnelle! Regardez les photos, ça parle....
L'hôtel est disons "vieillissant" et une bonne rénovation extérieure serait méritée pour un 4*. Attention!
A l'intérieur tout est nickel. Le transfert est court (10/15 min) et confortable.
Concernant la restauration... bof pour un 4*. Au même tarif le lapita village de Huahine fait nettement mieux. Mais il y a une astuce pour mieux manger, plus local et moins cher: demandez un "spécial" à Nuccia (la meilleure employée à mon sens). On nous a servi le 3e soir des carangues au four à tomber par terre !!! Et pour très peu d'argent... Prenez y vous à l'avance par contre...
Le personnel est vraiment très bon (voyez les autres commentaires), le spot magnifique, il manque peut être un peu d'animation.
Je donnerai un 15/20 à cet hôtel... en payant le prix public ;-)
객실 팁: Privilégiez les suites pilotis notamment la 45 ou 47. C'est plus cher mais c'est le top !
소수스블레이 로지
세스리엠, 나미비아
"...한적함을 느끼기 좋고 멋진 사막 경관을 감상할 수 있습니다."
“Nicht billig aber der Hammer”
Superschöne Lodge vorm Eingang zum Sosssusvlei.
Das Dünengelände öffnent um früh um 6 Uhr, jedoch braucht man fürs letzte Stück einen 4 Rad Antrieb durch ein vertrocknetes Flussbett.
Wir haben eine Morgentour vom Hotel gebucht, da muss man nicht selbst fahren und kann die Dünen genießen. Danach gibts dann noch ein Frühstück,
so dass man kurz vor Mittag wieder zurück ist. Es sind locker 60 km bis Deadvlei, nicht unterschätzen.
Das Hotel ist einfach genial. Der Eingang ist eher Ägyptisch gehalten.
Supernetter Empfang. Das Zimmer ist ein Zelt mit festem Bau, in dem sich das Bad befindet. Tags über is es schon etwas heiß, jedoch Nachts mit geöffneten "Fenstern" einfach herrlich. Früh aufstehen und Blick auf die weite Namibias genießen, unbeschreiblich.
Der Abenddrive lohnt sich landschaftlich jetzt nicht so ganz, aber sonst ganz nett.
Abends gibts Buffet, mit allen Tieren der Savanne, die man sich dann live grillen lassen kann.
Superlecker. Auch sonst tolle Auswahl an Vorspeisen, Nachspeisen.
Alles logischerweise nicht billig, aber man sollte sich das gönnen.
Tip: Wir hatten nicht direkt gebucht, sondern über dertour, war günstiger als die liste im Hotel.
호텔 필라투스-쿨름
크리엔스, 스위스
"스위스의 멋진 경관을 즐기기 좋은 아름다운 곳입니다."
“Wonderful hotel on top of Pilatus mountain”
We were in this hotel to celebrate Valentine's day this year and booked the winter package, this includes return ticket for cable car ride from Krienz to Pilatus, 1 night accommodation, breakfast, welcome drink and snacks and 4 course dinner menu. Let me tell you, this was so worth it!! The view is super gorgeous, everywhere you look around the mountain, just gonna make your jaw drop. I personally like this mountain more than Titlis because they have less tourists.
The way up with the cable car on Friday afternoon was very calm and the view during the ride was so incredibly beautiful, we couldn't get enough of it! The hotel room we got was just perfect, very mountain style, comfortable, warm and quiet. It was nice that they have this welcome reception where they served wine, mountain cheese (so so good) and some snacks to kick start the night while enjoying the night view of the mountain. The manager went around the guests and asked if everything was ok, small details but very well done. Dinner was excellent, staff were super friendly and the food was just perfect for the night.
The next day was a bit more crowded with tourists as it was a Saturday but there were also lots of family with kids who wanted to play with the snow, so we decided to go down sledging from one of the station. The hotel helped us to bring our luggage down to Krienz so we won't have to worry about it, it was really great service from them.
There are activities you can do while staying in this hotel, so don't worry about having to only stay in the hotel, unless it's bad weather, then it's bad luck. Some snow activities were offered in the next station and I think in the summer, you can have a good walk around the area.
Overall, we had so much fun in this hotel, the staff and service was over the top and we were really happy!! We definitely going to return to this hotel next time :)